Indian yogi, mystic and author Sadhguru will be in Los Angeles on March 30 and 31, and in Philadelphia from April 27 to 29.
Even though the brutal winter is still upon us, it is only fair to think about the upcoming balmy months and spring cleaning. But how about cleansing and recharging more than just your material belongings this spring and delving into a holistic journey of peace, calm and self-discovery?
If this is something that sounds like a bucket list to you, then there is more. This spring, if you are anywhere near Philadelphia, or Los Angeles, you have the chance of learning the yogic practice of innate calmness by none other than Sadhguru himself.
Indian yogi, mystic and author, Sadhguru will be soon visiting the United States. Sadhguru’s followers in this country have an opportunity to learn Isha Yoga’s flagship program, “Inner Engineering,” from the yogi himself.
ALSO READ: Indian Yogi Sadhguru delivers inspiring talk on Capitol Hill (April 30, 2018)
Sadhguru will be in Los Angeles, CA, on March 30 and 31 and in Philadelphia, PA, from April 27 to 29.
The Inner Engineering program is an introduction to some simple yoga practices and the Shambhavi Mahamudra.
Shambhavi Mahamudra has been described as a yogic practice or kriya, comprising pranayama (a controlled yogic breathing technique) and meditation.
The event is open to anyone who is 15 years of age and above. But participants are required to register online and pay fees and then complete an Inner Engineering online course to be eligible to attend the live sessions with Sadhguru. Even though the program is slightly different from Sadhguru’s usual talk show — he will be mostly conducting the program — Inner Engineering is vouched for its efficacy.
READ MORE: Sadhguru launches book ‘Inner Engineering’ in New York: an evening filled with laughter, joy (September 28, 2016)
The program is supposed to directly teach you an effective 21-minute practice, directly by the Sadhguru, that will establish clarity, health and joy in life.
If you would like to know Inner Engineering a bit more, there also a free introductory online webinar that you can undertake to unravel the marvels.
Born Jaggi Vasudev in Mysore, in the Indian state of Karnataka, Sadhguru had a spiritual experience when he was 25. He traveled extensively to gain insight into his mystical experience. He later established the Isha Foundation, a non-religious, non-profit institution with an immense following. The author of several best-selling books, Sadhguru is a renowned speaker who has spoken at events such as World Economic Forum and United Nations Millennium World Peace Summit.